
The Importance of Solar Energy

There’s no denying the importance of solar energy. The return on investment of going solar is highly valuable, and not just financially, but for the sake of public health and environmental sustainability. With every passing year,  solar energy becomes more popular for home and business owners as people learn its many benefits, and as installation costs decrease. If you’re curious about the importance of solar energy, we have more than a few reasons why solar is the way to go.

The Evolution of Solar Energy

The use of solar energy has steadily grown over the last couple of decades, with more and more people realizing the tremendous value of utilizing solar panels. In the US, the demand for solar panel installation has grown from 0.34 gigawatts in 2008 to 97.2 today, which is enough to power the equivalent of 18 million average American homes. The good news is that this increased demand helps to drive down costs. Since 2014, the cost of solar PV panels has dropped nearly 70%. The US Department of Energy estimates that, by 2030, at least one in seven American homes will have a rooftop solar PV system.

What Exactly Is Solar Energy?

Solar energy is energy derived from sunlight. Whether you realize it or not, the sun already powers our planet, providing the necessary energy to keep our environment and population  growing. The amount of sunlight that reaches the earth’s atmosphere is enough to power all of our needs, and then some. According to the US Department of Energy, 173,000 terawatts of solar energy strike the earth continuously, which is more than 10,000 times the world’s total energy use! The sun is a free, sustainable, clean resource we can leverage in place of conventional electricity to power our lives. Solar energy can be used to provide heat, light, and other electricity-dependent needs in homes and buildings.

A house on Long Island has a rooftop deck. Their roof also has solar panels so the house may use solar energy.

5 Reasons to Show the Importance of Solar Energy

There’s a reason why so many homeowners and businesses are turning to solar power. The benefits are undeniable, and not just for individuals, but for the planet as a whole. Here are just a few of the many reasons that support the importance of solar energy.

1. It’s Good for the Environment

The difference between solar energy and conventional electricity is that solar energy does not rely on the use of fossil fuels, does not pollute air or water, and does not contribute to global warming, making it the preferable option for many. Solar energy works with the earth’s natural resources, whereas conventional electricity depletes or harms them.

2. It’s a Reliable, Cost-Effective Energy Source

The sun is a renewable energy source. Fossil fuels will eventually run out, butsunlight won’t. For that reason, solar energy is highly reliable. And unlike fossil fuels which are expensive to mine and utilize, it doesn’t cost anything to receive sunlight. A one-time installation of solar equipment is all that’s needed to reap the benefits.

3. It Saves You Money in the Long Run

Though the cost of installing solar panels or a solar electric system has decreased in recent years, some may still find the initial investment in solar energy to be intimidating. However, the key is remembering that installation is a one-time event, whereas paying for conventional electricity is a frequent, ongoing, and expensive obligation, especially as electric rates continue to rise. Making the investment in running your home or building off of solar energy will save you considerably more money over time.

4. It Creates Jobs and Spurs Economic Growth

Did you know that the solar energy industry creates more jobs than any other US sector? According to the most recent National Solar Jobs Census report by The Solar Foundation, solar energy adds jobs 17 times faster than the overall US economy. As of 2019, there were approximately 250,000 solar energy workers nationwide.

5. It Promotes Energy Independence

Energy independence means not having to rely on the power grid. Not only does this method make you vulnerable to price spikes, but it’s also prone to outages, particularly on Long Island and in NYC. With no other means of powering your home, you could run into a variety of issues in the event of bad weather or damage to power lines. Using solar energy, especially when paired with a backup battery system, allows you to not be tied to unreliable power grids when you need energy most.

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